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Alright.....who farted? |
Season 3 Episode 14 "Prey"
Original air date: March 17, 2013
60 second recap: Andrea finally realizes how much of a conniving psychopath the Governor is after Milton shows her his torture chamber. She tries to run away and warn her friends at the prison about the Governor's plans. The Governor goes after her, chasing her through a field, a forest and into an abandoned warehouse. Andrea manages to get within a few feet of the prison before the Governor finally captures her. He sneaks her back into Woodbury and locks her up in his torture chamber. Tyrese and Sasha start to have their doubts about Woodbury, much to the disappointment of Ben and Allen. Milton sabotages the Governor's plans to use walkers to attack the prison with.
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Hell hath no fury like a woman chased down a road, across a field, through a forest and into a office building/meat hook factory. |
Open letter to Andrea:
Dear Andrea,
So, you just found out your ex boyfriend is a psychotic, narcissistic, manipulative, power hungry bastard. You're probably feeling pretty angry at yourself right now for not realizing this sooner. Well, don't be too down on yourself. I mean, aside from the floating heads, the chained up zombie daughter, the zombie gladiator fights, Michonne's immediate distrust of him or the holding Maggie and Glenn hostage without telling you, how were you supposed to know? Phillip could have fooled anyone!
I know that a lot of fans have been giving you a hard time this season (guilty!) but, just know that its because we're frustrated that you're not living up to your full potential. We know there's a smart, badass women somewhere underneath there. We even saw a bit of her this week. We just wish you could have gotten your priorities straight earlier. A charming, handsome man with whisky and ice cubes is not a good enough reason to abandon your best friend that you just spent 8 months living with, especially when she says there's something off about him.
But hey, no one's perfect. I mean Rick is indecisive and makes phone calls to dead people. Michonne has questionable taste in home decor. Carl hasn't cut his hair or washed that stupid hat in 8 months. One of the reasons you're such a favorite character is because you are so flawed. You're not afraid to go through the wide range of human emotions, however ugly they may be. (Whether we'd like to admit it or not, the character many of us would be like in a zombie apocalypse is you) But the most important thing about you is that you're willing to own up to your mistakes and learn from them. So if there's one lesson to learn from all of this, its that people are never what they seem.
We're really sorry you're being held prisoner by a psychopath. Hopefully you, or Milton or Michonne busts you out of there before the Governor does anything crazy.
Your concerned fans.
P.s.We really, really, really hope you get to kill the Governor.
P.P.S. Next time Carol tells you to go all black widow spider on a man after sex---DO IT.
The Governor: What a wonderful performance by David Morrissey this week. No wonder actors always say its more fun to play the bad guy. You get to smash windows with shovels and chase people down in cars! Who knew whistling could be so creepy? (side note: according to showrunner Glen Mazzara, the song the Governor whistles in this episode is the same one he sang to his zombie daughter Penny)
It has been really interesting to watch the Governor's slow decent into madness. For a character that seemed to have it pretty together when we first met him, he has really jumped on the Crazy Town Express. He's a sociopath, manipulating everyone around him into doing exactly what he wants. The way he was able to lie so easily to Tyrese and Sasha about Andrea was especially disturbing. It's not surprising that he's so good at being a leader.
Zombie Penny dying was obviously the straw that broke the camel's back but something tells me the Governor was a very twisted individual way before Michonne and Andrea ever even showed up. Lord knows how many other people died at the hands of this guy. It would be amazing to see a flashback of what he was like pre-zombie apocalypse.
Dude....what happened to your eye?
Milton: Milton, oh dear, dear Milton. I worry for him. As nice as it was to see him finally grow a pair and stand up to the Governor, I've got a bad feeling he's going to die soon. This is the Walking Dead we're talking about and in The Walking Dead universe, we can't have nice things (next week's episode is called "This Sorrowful Life" for Christ's sake!). In a perfect world Milton would join Rick and the crew and be little science bff's with Herschel.
It will be interesting to see what the Governor does with Milton. Will he kill him? Will he lock him up in his little dungeon too? Will Milton sneak out and warn Rick himself?
The fearing-for-Milton's life-o-meter:
Sasha and Tyrese: The scene with Sasha teasing her brother about being a lousy shot was probably one of the highlights of this week. The two of them have such a strong, playful relationship. It's nice to see some genuine smiles and giggles for a change. Seeing the normally cool, calm and collected Tyrese lose his cool with Allen was a bit unsettling though. Judging by the way Sasha had to intervene, it looks like this explosive rage is not a new thing for Tyrese.
As freaked out as Sasha and Tyrese were by the frustratingly cryptic Andrea (it would have solved a couple issues if she had just said something along the lines of "The Governor is planning on torturing and raping my friend. Oh and he's going to massacre that entire group of people at the prison that saved your life."), it was interesting to see them lie to the Governor about her having said anything to them. They're smart enough to know that something is a little off about the guy. Let's hope that they wise up before its too late and one of them gets hurt.
Rick: Of course the one time Rick actually sees something, he convinces himself that he's just "seeing" things. ::smacks forehead:: Where's the hangin'-outside-the-prison-walls ghost Lori when you need her?
Martinez:"I didn't think we'd be feeding people to biters."--Tyrese
"What do you care, they're rats."- Martinez
Excuse you Martinez. I know you're just supposed to be the heartless henchman and all but one of those "rats" you speak of was nice enough not to send an arrow through your skull even though he totally could have. He even shared a cigarette with you (the Daryl Dixon equivalent of a handshake). Show some respect.
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That awkward moment when 10 million people screamed "DO IT!" at their television screens. |
Overall: As enjoyable and heart pounding as "Prey" was to watch, it was definitely a filler episode. It's becoming increasingly obvious that the writers are struggling to come up with meaningful scenes to put in before the big "war"happens. There were definitely a few scenes in this episode and last week that could have been slimmed down or condensed.
Zombie kill of the week: Andrea. Simultaneously fighting off 3 zombies in the forest with nothing but a small pocket knife? BADASS.
Honorary mention: Although it technically wasn't a kill because a few of them were actually still alive, Milton's torching of the pit walkers was pretty awesome. Kudos to the makeup department on this one. That image of the burnt pit walkers still moving around is seared into my memory forever! (pun intended)
Best quotes:
"You know Merle, he fit in"- Andrea
"Take 'em back to town, let 'em do some knitting." -Martinez
"It doesn't matter."- Milton
"It's all that matters."- The Governor
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He's standing right behind me, isn't he? |
Technical stuff: How great was the music this week? That gritty, pulsing tone that played during the warehouse scene was phenomenal. The entire episode had a very Hitchcokian feel to it. Kudos to the lighting department for getting all those really creepy shadows.
Say what?!: By the looks of it, the entire state of Georgia seems to span a 2-3 mile radius consisting of a prison, a town and one tiny forest. Did the Governor plant a GPS chip on Andrea or something? His ability to pinpoint her exact location, even in a wide open field, was amazing.
Promo for Episode 15 "This Sorrowful Life"
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