Friday, July 19, 2013

Coming Soon: The Walking Dead Season 4 Trailer

Is it October yet?!?

Ladies and gentlemen, that is how you make a trailer.

Carol with knives (!). Organized supermarket raids. Mystery characters. Crying children. Tyrese in a zombie mob. Michonne on a horse. Big baby Judy. Daryl Dixon (!!). If this trailer is any indication of what season four will be like, there are going to be a lot of racing hearts this fall.

Predictions: Carol and Daryl look like they'll be getting even closer. Hershel's ominous "we just lost twelve of our own" does not bode well for the group. Judging by that clip of a very horrified Tyrese, his sister Sasha will be one of the casualties. I also assume that the person that "attacked the prison" will have something to do with a certain disgraced one eyed leader (actor David Morrissey signed on as a season four regular, he's going to have to pop up sometime.) And in typical Walking Dead fashion, I'm fairly certain that at least one member of the core team will be dying this season as well. My bets are on Hershel, Maggie or Glenn.

Either way, this season looks like its going to be the strongest one yet. Hopefully with new show runner Scott Gimple at the reins, the writers and directors will finally let this show live up to its potential. October 13th can't come soon enough!

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